Tuesday 28 February 2012

I have decided to take a step back from my work today and really try and see where I am going with it. Photography has always played a strong role in the documentation of the resin panels. However what is becoming more apparent is that they are as much a part of the work as the original material object. I feel the atmospheric qualitites they capture  is really interesting. The soft rich colours and the seductive painterly folds really begin to occupy the imagintation. The Images become so abstract that they become completely removed from the original resin panels, transforming the resin panels into something rich with suggestion. Photography could therefore be the best way to exhibit the resin. The images have a high professional finish which the resin strucutres lack. I will therefore develope the photography further and view the resin structures as a means to a finished piece.
I feel my work is much more about caputring an immersive, seductive moment, rather than creating it as an installation peice.
As the images of resin are presented to the viewer in such an ambiguous state, it will be worth while considering whether or not I want to title the images as this would be useful in leading the viewer into a particluar way of viewing the work.