Monday 30 April 2012!/events/372238982827031/

Follow the link to the event page!!

Friday 27 April 2012

Willem de Kooning - "Woman in a Garden"

Although y currrent practice does not focus on painting, when I came across "Woman in a Garden" by Willem de Kooning I felt there was a strong relationship between his work and my own. The resin sculptures that I have been creating and the imagery to follow, have a strong painterly feel. The soft seductive strokes and curves of colour are particularly similar to those found in the above painting.

Tuesday 24 April 2012


As I will be exhibting sculptures as well as prints I need to consider...
*what size of plinth
* heights (as there will be more than one, do I want them all on the same level)

Friday 20 April 2012

Catalogue Statement

"Deep Sensual colours and soft painterly folds, plunge the viewer into a silken depth of femininity and desire"
I decided I wanted my catalogue statement to be quite short and to the point. Rather than writing to describe by work and thought it would be much more effective to have a short evocative peice. My work is very seductive and provocative so hopefully my statement will convey that.

Thursday 19 April 2012

Tuesday 17 April 2012

Third Degree Poster

3rd Degree Poster
Promoting our exhibition!
Designed by: Aislinn Ritchie

Wednesday 11 April 2012

2nd Year Feed Back

The "Mini Exhibtion" in Greenstone was put up so that we could see what we'd need to develope and change in prep for the main degree show. So the 2nd years went round giving feed back. From this I have come to realise that scale is going to be an important aspect of my work. To gain the full impact of intense colours and depths I really want print my Images much larger.
Overall I am pleased, It was really interesting to see what peoples interpretations of the images, the photograhs are so ambiguous and removed from the raw material.
I am also starting to reconsider my decision to leave the resin panels out of the exhibition. They have a such a raw seductive beauty that it would be a shame to completely dismiss them. I will revisit them and re-address there unfinished quality.
Following the previous set of Images I've found  I need to try and balance the red and amber tones as this set has become flat and lacking depth, the red tones have become over exagerated. As a result the liquid merging of colours that was particularly suggestive in the earlier images is also missing. Another aspect which should be addressed is the lack of texture, it was the fine detail of fabrics that previously added to the ambiguity of the imagery. 

Tuesday 3 April 2012

Considering Colour

 I decided to experiment with colour, removing some of the red tones. Overall I think the colouring in these images looks a little dirty, I prefer how the previous photographs I've been working with are much more suggestive of innards, blood and wombs etc.

Monday 2 April 2012


As part of the degree show there will be a catalogue, within this each artist will have a page in which they can have a short statement desciribing their practice and image of thier artwork. As my previous projections have been so successful I have decided to use an image of them to document my practice. I will be entering both photography and sculptural work into the dgree show therefore  by having documentation of the  projections I feel I can show the pure scale and intensity of the imagery and the diversity of my work.