Tuesday 31 January 2012


By using a desk lamp I've been shinning a light through the structures to get an idea of how the colours and fabrics light the space. The translucent resin pigment works well in casting colour, however the fabric does not cast shadows in the way in which I had foreseen.
From here onwards it will be important to consider.... firstly; the light source. If I plan on this being an installation peice I will need a fixed source of light that could possibly sit within the resin structure. Secondly; the addition of fabric needs to revised. Do I want it set within the resin with the aim that it will cast shadows or is it rather an asthetic addition to the structure. After all the peice of artwork is not only the way in which the resin affects its surronding space but also the actual structure itself.

Constructing light boxes.

Previously i have been working with panels of resin on acrylic, through experimenting with hanging and displaying the panels I thought the next appropriate step to take would be to begin constructing three dimensional forms with the intention of turning them into light boxes. Currently they are successful in bringing various panels together, however they lack professionalism. I need to further consider materials and the way in which I intend to present the pieces in a gallery environment.

Resin combined with fabric and colour pigment.

By combining resin and material I have been exploring how I can use colour and light  to create and environment that is immersive, seductive and suggestive. I had initially intended to do that by creating light boxes out of the resin pannels. However after taking a series of development photos I have found that they explore the fluid patterns and sensual colours much more effectively.

Saturday 28 January 2012

"Understanding Installation" By Mark Rosenthal

"An Installation can transport its viewer into a state of awe, providing also a sense of physical smallness vis-a-vis the all consuming vision of the installation.."

I thought this was quite an interesting quote to take from the book "Understanding Installation" My work aims for the viewer to become immersed and engrossed to be able to successfully acheive this with my art work I feel it is important to see how other installation artists acheive this.

Friday 27 January 2012

Wednesday 25 January 2012

Resin and Colour pigment.

By using a thin sheet of acrylic as a base layer to the resin I am able to produce panels that are free from any indentations caused by pre made casts.
As you can see I have also begun to experiment with adding colour pigment to the resin. This could give the resin an added depth, as I also found in my earlier work colour pigment has a huge impact on the effect of light passing through the structures on the surronding space. Allowing the space to be influenced by the resin structures.
With the re introduction of material into the resin there could be a really exciting visual and sensory result.